Salesperson Matrix
The Salesperson Matrix can be used to report on the commissions earned by each salesperson associated with a sale.

System Wide Setting - Salesperson Commission Options
Ensure the option Activate salesperson matrix file is set to Y.
Work with Navigator Authority Classes (NAV 2)
Authority classes allow you to group users together, they can be created based on system access restrictions or on a user's functional areas such as AP clerk, order clerk, or customer service. They allow you to customize the level of access a group of users has within Navigator.
Most new Navigator features are delivered in an inactive state. To activate them:
- go into menu option NAV 2
- enter a W in the appropriate authority class.
- enter a W for the Navigator application you want to grant authority to (for the Salesperson Matrix the Navigator application is File Management).
- scroll down until you get to the Salesperson Matrix and enter a G to grant authority.
User ID Control Panel (NAV 5)
The Limit To Salesperson setting restricts affects the commission report.
- If no salesperson code is entered, the report is run for all salespeople.
- If there is a salesperson code entered, the report is limited to only that person.
Commissions Files
Use these files to create the salesperson commission structure. These files are available in both Navigator (File Management>Salespeople) and the iSeries (Commissions menu (option COM)).
- Base Commissions Rate File - This file allows you to establish and update commission rates for your sales force. You can also add or subtract from a commission (by percentage points) using several parameters. Base commissions may be adjusted based upon gross profit percentage, age of invoices, and other factors. For example, this file supports a positive or negative percentage for cuts. This means you can either raise or lower commission rates if the order is a cut. Cuts are identified by the C code in the restriction field of a line item and are usually associated with rolled goods or lamiÂnates.
- Commission Rate Exceptions File - The Commissions Exceptions File allows you to alter, elimiÂnate, or change the commissions based on your exception parameters.
Commission Reports
The Salesperson Matrix is designed to work with the following reporting options. These report are available in both Navigator and the iSeries.
- X By Y Sales Commission Report (regular X by Y detailed format) - The X by Y Sales CommisÂsion Report supports all of the sales commissions strategies available within the system. This report lists, in detail or summary format, the sales, gross profit, and commission calculations, sorted using any X by Y combination.
- X By Y Sales Commission Report (special format by order number) - This report includes all of the same parameters, features, and formulas as the regular X by Y Sales Commission report. It also includes a third level of sorting - by order number, within the X and Y parameters. This option enables you to print all line item details, or a summary by order within the X and Y parameters.

Access the File Management appliÂcation within Navigator.
Scroll down the list of File Management files and select the Salesperson Matrix file.
Up to 5 salespeople can be included in the matrix. In the example shown above, three salesperson slots were used. These three slots can account for:
- Salesperson 1 - Sales Manager
- Salesperson 2 - Sales Territory Manager
- Salesperson 3 - Inside Sales support
Each of these three Salespeople are set up to get a commission when the Primary makes a sale.